Tortilla Pizza

We love pizza. But sometimes, our budget just doesn't let us. So on our grocery day last week, I thought of making our own pizza. I checked for some recipes on Pinterest. But I didn't find one that I liked. So, I decided to come up with one myself. We got the tortilla wraps on sale. I bought a pizza sauce (on sale), pepperoni and cheese (on sale too)! 

It's super easy to make. I even let Zaki help! We got the oven on 350. I placed a tortilla wrap on a baking sheet. I let Zaki sprinkle the cheese. And we add some pizza sauce. Spread it even. And we add our pepperoni. You can use ham too, or even chicken, whatever you want on your pizza. Lastly, we top it off with more cheese!

We place it in the oven for 8 - 10 minutes. And viola, ready to eat! It's crisp and cheesy, just the way we like it. It's best if you eat it right away. Because if you store it, it tends to get soft. 

Here is Zaki enjoying his pizza. I'm enjoying their joy over my little invention (which I'm pretty sure, I'm not the first to come up with). 

Today was a good day because of pizza. I even got the pleasure of being serenaded while I finish my pizza.

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