Dusting out my good old camera

Back in the days, I was a "photographer" for my youth group. I had a point and shoot. And all I did was take photos of the events. When DSLRs began to be popular, one of my youth leaders bought one. And he made me use it most of the time for youth events. He taught me quite a bit. I then started using my point and shoot to take photos the way I would with his DSLR. I was quite proud of my first few photographs - even if they were only taken with a point and shoot. I joined the photography club. I did my research. I learned from experts. I was definitely interested in photography without even having the proper equipments. One day, I decided it was time to buy my very own DSLR (plus I finally saved up enough for it). I felt so pro! Believe it or not, you'd feel so cool if you had a big bulky camera strapped around you during those days. Little did I know, It requires so much of me. It required a lot of practice to get the way I want the photos to look, a lot of patience with post-processing, and a lot of money, too! I did not have the patience (more like perseverance) to deal with all of that.

But these days, It's not because of my love for photography that has driven to use my camera again. It's my love for my little boy. When you want to keep something to stay with you forever, what can you do but snap moments of it? I know it's what drives me. I will try hard to keep these precious little moments. I will persevere through learning how to use Adobe Lightroom, even though, I get so easily bored sometimes. My attention span is pretty short. My thoughts tend to travel almost everywhere anytime. I will spend time and energy on learning to maximize the use of my old camera, just so I can capture little smiles or grumpiness. On the plus side, If I get enough photos during this year, I can finally make a family year album. I really want to get my photos printed and/or hung on our wall.

I'm a little dusty, but here are a few photos I took these past few days.

I love his little double-chin.

Boys and their guns

I find it so delighting that a child's eyes are always so full of wonder.

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