A not-so-super mom's prayer

I woke up today and realized how much I've stopped doing things I used to do. I used to play games on my phone all the time (that was when I used to have time). I used to take photos with my camera (but now it's sadly sitting in my camera bag untouched for almost a year). I used to be more socialable (or so I thought). 

My son takes up so much of my time and with having #2 on the way, I don't know if I would make it to the rest of the year. I'm always tired and my focus is just everywhere. I can't do things I used to enjoy anymore. But if I really loved it, I know this is no excuse. It frustrates me so much. 

Motherhood changes you. It changes your habits and hobbies. It changes your expectations. It makes you talk about your children all the freakin time (whether you be proud of them or damn straight mad at them). Motherhood turns you from average human to a machine that makes milk, cleans poop, comforts fussiness and so on. You can't stop it. You can only embrace it and even upgrade yourself from it. 

If only I can get enough energy for all the mommy-madness and the me-time...

Oh God, will you be my coffee?
When I wake up to nurse every 2 hours,
When I'm changing diapers at a an godly-hour?
Will you be my pick-me-upper?
When my lack of sleep makes me super cranky?
When I'm starting to think I can't mother 2 boys under age two?
Oh God, be my coffee,
To soothe my not-so-supermom spirit,
To give me all the anti-oxidants that I'll need.
Be my coffee, Lord.

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