The man God plans for him to be

One day, my husband and I were unloading groceries and talking about life. I forget what his exact words were but it impacted me like a sword to my heart. He talked about how other men would take pride in things they own like cars, jobs, money, etc. He said that for him.. he would take pride in his children. He wants to raise men of God. He wants to raise children who are beyond amazing. And he wants lots of them! I joked about how after our second one is born, I'm done. (Which is soon, by the way, I'm 32 weeks already!) Although, I might think about having a third child, but far far along in the future. He said he doesn't mind foster parenting or even adopting. I was so surprised. This man has a big heart!

I like our talks in the car. It's random yet usually the most meaningful ones. It's only the next few days that I've come to realize how much he's changed and grown and become the man God had planned for him to be. He's been working a job that's sustaining us. He's been leading the youth at church. He's always been finding a creative outlet like photography, videography, woodcrafting, and currently.. learning music theories - always passionate about something. And at home, he makes no complain when I ask him to do things like change Zaki's diaper, change our sheets, throw the trash, give Zaki a bath, or even give me a back rub when I badly need it. He's so talented, patient and just all together wonderful. He loves surprising me with flowers and breakfast-in-bed, too!

It makes me wonder what it took for him to get to where he is now. I look back and remember how when we were still dating, I'd pray for him. I prayed for him to be the man God wants him to be. I also recall a conversation with my mother-in-law saying she's been praying for him along with his future partner in life. I then realize it was God. Only He could make real men. Only He could turn hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. Only He could raise men of God.

I then began having the desire to raise up our children to become men of God, to be respecter of women, humble leaders with big hearts that chase after God. I came across this book. Even though I have not read it, I knew I had not come across it without purpose. God was leading me to get on my knees and start praying for my children. And one day, I will find myself talking to my daughter-in-law telling her about the days when I prayed hard for my children. And hopefully, she too, will find the will to do the same!

Oh, I'm so blessed to have a good example for my children. I'm so thankful for this man!

Set an example that he may know what a man's worth be.

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