Everything has an end.

What makes up the value of something? Is it the price or the quality? Personally, I find the value of something is made up of time. The time you've spent on it, with it and for it. Time is the most precious currency we can ever have. Dollars can be replaced, but never time. Once it's here, it's gone.

The value of my first camera is worth diamonds to me. It is the very first investment I made. It has been there for me through thick and thin. It has captured little moments and my not-so-glamorous days. Upgrading to a new camera was an easy decision, until I realized I had to let go of my first camera. Upon realizing this, I traveled back in time. I looked back on all those firsts with this camera - my first attempt on "photography", all the events I covered, portraits, etc.

I heard that before upgrading your camera, you should've been able to maximize the use of your current one. I doubt I've maximized it. Although, I've got the focus broken and fixed, lens cap lost and replaced, and with a bit of a splat of nail polish in the corner - I've taken a variety of photos with it. I've used this camera for church events, mostly. I've done a photo shoot once for a friend. I've captured tons of my personal moments and towards the end, I've mainly used it to snap precious moments of my little boy. Most of my photos aren't even a tad bit of professional, just to clarify that. So I don't know if I've maximized it enough but I know it's had a good run. I just know I've captured lots of irreplaceable moments that I can never go back to again.

Everyone is driven. There is always a reason to why people do the things they do. In the beginning, I thought I only wanted to take photos because itself was art. Towards the end, I realized it wasn't enough to drive me completely. It wasn't enough to make me persevere through dry patches. But when I got married to the most amazing man in the world and had the sweetest little boy, I knew I wanted keepsakes and little moments captured. I have finally found the reason to keep pursuing this dream.

In hopes of improving this little passion of mine, I upgraded my camera, tried to get my hands on any and every possible Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials and jumped at a chance to capture little moments. Hopefully, I can get enough photos by the end of the year to create my family's very first year book.

Below is a compilation of selected photos I've taken with this camera.

Goodbye my Nikon D5000, thanks for the memories! xox

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